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Well-Being Wednesday

We love Well-being Wednesdays here at Penygloddfa school. We are an Incredible years school and we love  to do Dina school with our puppets Dina, Wally and Molly. In Key stage two we follow the Anti-bullying program called KIVA. All these programmes help to support identifying feelings, regulating emotions, building friendships and problem solving.

Each of our classes has a pupil voice board or box where the pupils can give their ideas on what activities they would like to do but more importantly what skill these activities will develop like team building, perseverance and patience to name but a few.

We also do a Mindful Mile around the school to enjoy our beautiful school site and also pay a visit to our school chickens called Snowy, Rooster, Big Red and Kentucky. They are extremely good listeners!





Incredible Years -

Dina school -

Kiva Anti-bullying -

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